Festival Nuits D'Afrique-Rythmes au féminin
Club Balattou
4372 Boul St-Laurent, Montréal (North of Marianne)
Montreal QC
January 26, 2017
Information: (514) 845-5447
Tickets $10
{ 2016}
Dièse Onze Jazz
4115-St Denis (between Duluth and Rachel)
Montreal QC
December 9
Théâtre La Chapelle
3700 Rue Saint Dominique
Montreal, QC
July 8
Dièse Onze Jazz & Restaurant
4115-St Denis (between Duluth and Rachel)
June 11
Car Free Street Festival
Concord Street Stage ( Between Bloor and Hallam)
June 18
Robin Gorn Sings the Great American Songbook Feat
Upstairs Bar and Grill
A night of Jazz Classics featuring Juno Award winning Jazz guitarist, Mike
Rud and Adrian Vedady
March 17
Nuits Blanche
Club Alizé
Performance of Samba classics and SoftWing with master musicians Edu
Krieger (Ana Carolina) and Marcelo Caldi (Libertango)
Feb 27
Upstairs Jazz Bar and Grill
A collaboration of Brazilian music and Robin Gorn's original songs.
of Samba classics and SoftWing with master musicians Edu Krieger (Ana
Carolina) and Marcelo Caldi (Libertango)
Feb 25
Upstairs Jazz Bar and Grill
Featuring André Galamba Guitar bass and voice
Rodrigo Simoes Guitar mandolin and voice
Moïse Yawo Maté Percussion voice
January 28
SoftWing Full Length CD Release Party
Rialto Montreal
Performance of Robin Gorn's
original World/Roots, Alt/Pop compositions with
guest Dance performances, Mini Choir and DJ Andy Williams
May 31
{ 2015 }
Nuit Brésilien
Les Bobards
Performance of Brazilian music with Nico Beki, Paulo Ramos and Ines Canepa
October 10
Robin Gorn with Mike Rud and Friends
Dieze Onze
Jazz trio with Juno Award winning Jazz Guitarist Mike Rud
September 17
SoftWing Full Length CD Release Party
Rialto Montreal
Performance of Robin Gorn's original World/Roots, Alt/Pop compositions with
guest Dance performances, Mini Choir and DJ Andy Williams
May 31
{ 2012 }
Image Des Femmes Festival- Choeur Maha - A 25 woman experimental choir sings Robin Gorn compositions at this festival of women's music in Mile-End at the majestic Rialto Theatre
March 4
{ 2011 }
Change The Rhythm Change The Beat- Rialto Theatre- In duo with Evandro Gracelli as part of the Light a Spark campaign, mentoring young girls
June 15
Choeur Maha - A 25 woman experimental choir performs Robin Gorn compositions at the 20 yr anniversary Gala at Le Cabaret De Mile End
May 28
Farinha do Biriba- Performing popular Brazilian Music with Evandro Gracelli and his band at
Les Bobards
February 27
Trio Bruxo - Singing with Brazilian Jazz Ensemble at Les Bobards
November 30
{ 2010 }
Upstairs Jazz Bar
with guests Trio Bruxo
1254 Mackay
Sunday July 18
8 pm
Club Lambi
4465 Boul. St Laurent
Sunday, June 13, 2010
8:30 pm
Rhythme au Feminin
Club Balattou
Thursday January 21
4372 Boul. St. Laurent
La Peña for Victor - El Taller Latino Americano - Broadway, New York- a concert in commemoration of the great revolutionary songwriter and performer Victor Jarra. Robin's performances to be included in the documentary about Victor Jarra life and work that includes interviews with performers such as Bono, Jackson Browne and Judy Collins
March 12, 8pm
Rhythmes au Féminin - Festival Nuits D'afrique- Brazillian and original compositions with Robin Gorn group
Nuits Blanche- with African modern dance company Vanille et Cola-
{ 2009 }
Sablo Kafe
With Micheal Rienhart
50 St. Zotique east
Friday December 18
Rhythmes au Feminin
Festival Nuits D'afriques celebrates women performers.
Thursday August 6
Club Balattou
4372 St. Laurent
Danse Encore
International dance festival in Trois Rivieres
singing for the African modern dance company Vanille et Cola
Friday, June 5
guest vocalist with orchestra
Ladeira Do Carmo
Tuesday, March 31
Salvador Brazil
Jam No Mam
with members of
Orchestro Rumpilezz
Modern Art Museum
Saturday March 14
Salvador, Brazil
Bira Santos
Guest singer with afro-brazillian ensemble
Bispo Cultural Center
Saturday Febuary 28
Salvador, Brazil
{ 2008 }
Festival Nuits D'Afriques main event
Singing with Estação Da Luz 20 piece Brazilian percussionorchestra performing ritual music Candomble, Santeria, Rara fromBrazil, Cuba and Haiti
July 10, 8pm
Kola Note
5274 Ave. du Parc
Canada Day Celebration
Main event in Carillon Quebec - a performance of African dance,voice and percussion in collaboration with Claudine Malard
July 1
{ 2007 }
Festival Nuits D'Afriques main event with EstaçãoDa Luz
20 piece Brazilian percussion orchestra
Kola Note
5274 Ave. du Parc, July 13 , 8pm
Club Lambi Sunday Febuary25
Common Ground
With Matt Tomlinson
4465 Boul. St. Laurent, 8pm
Zoobizarre Sunday March18
Vocalectro-Vocal improvisation with electronic music

{ 2006 }
Nov. 30 Dawson College Benefit Concert
in support of the Anastasia de Sousa Memorial Fund
$10 or $5 for students
tax receipts for donations over $20
Moka Danse October 31, 2006
5175 Park Ave 277-5755
Tango Halloween Ball
traditional argentine tango with members of sweatshop tango and guest guitarist Mathew Tomlinson
Yellow Door Coffeehouse Oct. 28, 2006
Micheal Rienhart with guest Robin Gorn
3625 Aylmer
Cafe Sablo Oct.21, 2006
Matt Tomlinson with guest Robin Gorn
St. Dominique
Cafe Sarajevo March 23,2006
2080 Clark 514.284.5629
With special musical guests Matt Tomlinson - singer songwriter,Ioana Gandrabur - classical guitarist, Claudine Malard - Africanmodern dancer
9 PM
dans le cadre du Mois de l'Histoire des Noirs / for the BlackHistory Month
Association culturelle du Sud-Ouest (ACSO), la Ville de Montréalet le Centre Culturel Georges vanier.
2450, Workman Montréal (Québec) H3J 1L8
Rapprochement des cultures Afro-créole issues du bois d'ébène(l'esclavage).
Avec Claudine Malard Chorégraphe et ses danseurs, ChristopheLemiere artiste peintre scénographe
Robin Gorn (chant), Francis Dubois Torres (masques)
Claude Morin et Daniel Bellegarde (percussions)
Vernissage et performance le 7 février à 19h00 /Vernissage & Performance Tuesday, Febr. 7th, at 7:00 p.m.
Performances supplémentaires le jeudi 16 février à 19h00 et le samedi 25 février à 13h00 /Other performances Thursday Feb. 16th, 7:00 pm & Saturday Feb. 25th, 1:00 pm.
{ 2005 }
L'Assommoir Tuesday September 20 2005 8:30-10:00
112 Bernard St. Corner of St. Urbain
La Butte St. Jacques Saturday,November 19, 2005
50 St-Jacques ouest, Old Montreal
Daniel Drolet Production
{ 2004 }
Senzala- Robin Gorn is performing every Thursday inBrazilian, Spanish, Latin and English Samba Jazz R&B with guitarists, Pablo Bonacina, and Rodrigo Salazar
Theatre de la ChapelleVas ist Das- A festival of multimedia dance and music
Stuart Hall LaQuinzaine de la Poésie "Prayer" A performanceof R. Gorn's poems and songs for the Montreal festival of poets
{ 2003 }
Cafe Silencio with special guests Paul Edwards, jugglingdancers "Duo Freevol", African dancer Claudine Malard
O Patro Vys- LabProject with Moondata productions (aka Parkside Jones) a collectiveof musicians exploring improvisation, beats, ambient sounds, freejazz
O Patro Vys - Collaboration performance of improvised music with Collin Offord; amulti-instrumentalist who creates his own instruments. The groupincluded South Indian percussionist, Ganesh Anandan and guitarist, Michael Reinhart
Club One withspecial guest Moondata Productions
O Patro Vys-CD Launch collaboration with Inuit throatsinging from Nunavut and modern dancers for the launch of MichaelReinhart 's CD, Quaraaluktuq
Sala Rossa -Kalmunity a collective of musicians, poets, rappers and vocalists playing Dub, Reggae, RnB, and Funk
Casa Del PopoloWith special guest Jay Sweff and the King Can Band
{ 2002 }
Club One With special guest Carrie Katz
Maison de la culture Notre-Dame-de-Grâce La Quinzaine de la Poésie "Beautiful Mosaicsof Repeated Folly" A theatrical performance of R. Gorn'spoems and songs for the Montreal festival of poets (poet, songwriter.actor and co-director)
Le Swimming "Ovariesin Overdrive" benefit for ovarian cancer
{ 2001 }
Club Soda- guest soloist with ChoeurMaha 10th anniversary concert
CD-Launch Ensemble Rubia a five woman a cappella group performing early music to contemporary repertoire
Upstairs Jazz Bar-with special guest Christine Bell and Aaron Doyle
Le Swimming-Opening for for Carrie Katz
Dec 19, 8pm
{ 2000 }
Artishow - with special guest Carrie Katz
Upstairs Jazz Bar- with special guest The Rubies,
Le Zest- September 9, 2000